STOP PRESS! we’re working on an online version you can use in group calls like zoom – shout if you need it now!
Climate Walk is a thought experiment as we walk, in groups of 4-6 people, along a timeline from now until 2100. At each stop we make choices or throw a dice. By the end we’ll better understand the impact of our choices.
Discussions are introduced on topics such as what behaviours you might change as an individual, climate tipping points, government initiatives that you might support, and geo-engineering.
You’ll need a number of trained facilitators. Training can be done in a 20-30 minute zoom call.
We have instructions and a script for two different ways of doing this. In a hall with many people, each group walking down their own line (identified by “many lines” in the downloads). Or people queuing to walk down one line as the next facilitator becomes ready (identified by “one line” in the downloads).
The instructions are here, and note you’ll need two dice for each line. NB. If you open the document in Google Docs, don’t be alarmed about the strange formatting – it will look fine when you’ve downloaded to Word.